Reporting system SpeakUp
Secure and anonymous

The reporting system SpeakUp is a safe, secure and independent platform for employees, business partners and third parties to prevent irregular behavior – intended or unintended – at an early stage. Reports can be made confidentially and anonymously if desired. The early reporting of violations of legal provisions and internal guidelines helps to prevent damage to the HORNGROUP and its entities and to legitimize and strengthen the trust shown to us in the long term.

Here you will find the privacy information for whistleblowers and parties involved.

Whistleblowers are individuals who submit reports through the SpeakUp reporting system. The parties involved, such as the accused, witnesses to an incident or victims, are those on whose behalf the whistleblower is acting.

SpeakUp Documents

SpeakUp Guide (PDF)
SpeakUp FAQs (PDF)

SpeakUp for reports

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